Progress Report on Project

How to write a progress report. A progress report is a document sent to convey to your superiors the details concerning your progress on the project you are currently working on. They are means of communication within the company or to others that are outside of it. Writing a progress report does not only bring gain to your supervisors but also to yourself because it lets you know how much you have already did and how much more you need to finish your work. Progress reports can be used for various reasons such as a new branch construction, information gathering or a research project.
Being able to write effective letters, reports, notes, among other things, is an invaluable skill for both your business and personal life. Effective letters will give nothing but good results. Consequently, the caliber of your writing is one of the ways most people assess you so it is essential to write well. Here are some simple tips in writing a progress report to get you started:
• There are three important parts you should take note of when writing a progress report; previous plans, current progress and future goals.
• In the first part, talk about what your target goals were the previous week. This becomes the benchmark to measure how far you have progressed. Then you proceed to state your present progress and lastly, what you are aiming to achieve next week.
• A progress report does not need to be lengthy, it simply outlines your project. Make sure to keep irrelevant information minimal so that it won’t take much of your time and your superiors to read.
• Always keep your tone direct and professional. Be objective in writing your report and check for typos, grammatical and factual errors.
Another way to write an effective letter is to have a superior letter format or a letter template as a guide. Download a free progress report sample, then customize it to suit your needs. It is a great way to get you started in the right direction.