Relieve someone from delegated responsibilities because someone else will assume them

Delegation Letter Sample – How to write a delegation letter.
A delegation letter is a letter containing an official statement of the terms and conditions that the delegate must follow when doing the assigned task that has been given to him. This letter serves to entrust a task to someone else and is usually given by a higher ranking authority to someone less. In the field of business, a delegation letter is essential when there is a task you need to accomplish but you do not have the time to do it or simply unavailable.
Writing letters, reports, notes, among other things, is an important skill for both your business and personal life. Effective letters will give nothing but good results. It is a fact that most people assess others by the quality of their writing, hence it’s essential to write well. Here are some simple tips in writing a delegation letter to get you started:
• In writing your delegation letter, you must already have a clear outline of the tasks or jobs you are going to delegate. Be specific as much as possible and maintain a professional and polite tone.
• The letter should include the specific duties and jobs the delegate is going to do and make sure to mention the deadline and the objectives you are trying to achieve.
• It is also important to remember to state the compensation or benefits the delegate is going to receive in turn for the given responsibilities and tasks and do not forget to express gratitude to the delegate.
Another way to write an effective letter is to have a superior letter format or a letter template as a guide. Download a free delegation letter sample, then customize it to suit your needs. It is a great way to get you started in the right direction.