Decline to Accept a Gift

Decline Letter Sample – How to write a decline letter.
A decline letter is a letter that conveys a formal statement that says that you have refused something. It is usually written by employers or employees when they want to turn down a job offer sent to them. For an employer, it could be quite tricky in writing an effective decline letter because every job seeker is always hoping that they can be accepted for the job. If you’re able to write a good decline letter, you could alleviate the job seeker’s disappointment and be able to motivate them in their job search.
Writing letters, reports, notes, among other things, are important skills for business and personal life. Effective letters will yield nothing but good results. Most often than not, people assess others by the quality of their writing, hence it’s essential to write well. Here are some simple tips in writing a decline letter to get you started:
• A decline letter should always be simple and brief. Make sure to keep your tone polite and professional. It is also preferable to get to the heart of the matter immediately.
• In decline letters, it is best that you address the recipient by their name and don’t forget to express gratitude that the job seeker has taken their time in applying for your company.
• Then proceed to convey your decision immediately. Do not try to sugarcoat anything but afterwards, it would be best if you write something encouraging and say some good qualities that you have found in the job seeker.
• You could also consider adding other details such as discussing on how you have come to the decision, but always remember to give them compliments when you can.
Another way to write an effective letter is to have a superior letter format or a letter template as a guide. Download a free decline letter sample, then customize it to suit your needs. It is a great way to get you started in the right direction.